
Welcome on board of this wonderful consultancy firm called FACT. 
This is Beena , the senior verbal trainer across all centers of FACT..
Well, we at FACT follow certain strict codes of training which I shall share with you shortly.

1. First and foremost FACT  encourages and insists on having self motivated and result oriented trainers. Hence a lot of self study and self orientation is expected from the trainers.

2.A well designed Teaching Module is available in the form of  PPTS on our website both for GRE  and SAT . The trainers themselves are required  to get acquainted with them completely first and impart the same to the class in order to maintain a uniformity in training across all centers. 

3. also has tests for each topic taught as per the PPTS. Hence its mandatory for the trainers to get the students attempt  those tests as soon as the topic is taught.

4. The entire verbal course has to be covered in 25 lectures. Followed by full length mock tests when the student is close to his final exam date.

5.Trainers should be tech-savvy and should constantly and actively involved in exploring the web in order to be well niformed about the latest developments in these  competitive exams. 

6. FACT works for the betterment of the students` careers therefore catering to the  students needs and requirements becomes imperative and integral part of training..

7. “Learning is fun” not a burden is what we strongly believe. Therefore make the classrooms lively by involving the students in different activities yet teaching them the most important things.

8. FACT  is the only firm which vehemently believes in developing an “Emotional Rapport” with the students. The trainers form the strong medium to achieve this.

9. Understand the difference between a “teacher”  and a  “trainer”.
     FACT emphasises on trainers not teachers. Hence  adhere to the role of a facilitator by encouraging student participation more.

10. “Practice makes man Perfect.”  Apply this rule strictly in the classroom.
   Rigorous  and timed solving and testing alone will help the students gain confidence to face the real exam..